If you enjoy reading Teletimes on a constant basis and would like us to continue bringing you good quality articles, we ask that you send us a donation in the $10 to $20 range. Checks should be made out to "International Teletimes". Donations will be used to pay contributors and to further improve International Teletimes. If you are interested in placing an ad in Teletimes, please contact the editor for details.
Submission policy:
Teletimes examines broad topics of interest and concern on a global scale. The magazine strives to showcase the unique differences and similarities in opinions and ideas which are apparent in separate regions of the world. Readers are encouraged to submit informative and interesting articles, using the monthly topic as a guideline if they wish. All articles should be submitted along with a 50 word biography. Everyone submitting must include their real name and the city and country where you live. A Teletimes Writer's Guide and a Teletimes Photographer's & Illustrator's Guide are available upon request.
Upcoming themes:
May - Local Authors
June - Sports & Leisure
July - Photon '94
August - Education
Deadline for articles:
May issue - April 20th, 1994
June issue - May 10th, 1994
July issue - May 31st, 1994
August issue - June 31st, 1994
Snail mail:
International Teletimes
3938 West 30th Ave.
Vancouver, B.C.
V6S 1X3
Software and hardware credits:
Section headers and other internal graphics were done in Fractal Painter 1.2 and Photoshop 2.5 on a Macintosh Quadra 950. The layout and editing was done on a Macintosh IIci using MS Word 5.0 and DocMaker 4.02.